Full Description
This standard specifies mechanisms and procedures for the operation service and management of distributed control systems (DCSs) in thermal power stations in commercial operation, enabling stable and reliable operation of DCSs. Reference may be made to this standard for the operation and maintenance of DCSs in other types of power plants.
This standard provides the items, methods, and technical requirements of operation service, fault handling, and technical management of DCS during the operation of power plants based on the engineering philosophy, methods, procedures, and field experiences of DCSs of varying brands in a number of power plants which have been already verified, aiming at offering guidance for developing operation, maintenance, and technical management manuals for DCS in power plants.
New IEEE Standard - Active.The basic principles, items, methods, performance indicators, and acceptance requirements for the maintenance and testing of the distributed control systems (DCSs) of thermal power plants are specified. This standard is mainly applicable to the maintenance and testing of DCSs of conventional thermal power plants in commercial operation.